Comment from Gina Hage at “Sad secondary liver cancer news, please give your support!” , with answer from Metastatic Liver Cancer.
I am just trying to research this liver cancer thing
My x husband has it and has refused treatment we have 3 kids together and he is just biding his time. I am wondering what are the stages? He believes in God and wants to just go home to be with the Lord were there is know more pain and suffering. We are believing for a miracle for his life. I know God is able HE HAS ALREADY OUTLIVED THE DOCTORS ORDERS please respond.
Metastatic liver cancer reactions
Dear Gina,
Recommended Readings about cancer and cancer stages:
The above summarized say that the smaller the cancer and the more it can be localized on 1 place, the better the chances of recovery.
When it comes to terminal cancer like with my father, first thing as usual is ask your doctors.
Father wanted to fight the cancer, but there were no “weapons” left… So from that moment on the stages were: angry but more or less ok, to painful, to very painful, to very sick until he passed away peacefully.
The stages for mom were: being a caretaker “no matter what”. Just to find out that she had a torn ligament due to carrying father in and out the bed. Then comes the stage of grief…
People want to live and be surrounded with their loved ones. At the moment father saw that mother was surrounded with all her loved ones, he changed this painful life to a pain-free life.
Whoever read this: feel free to give your feedback! Sooner or later you will read something that can set your mind more at ease than it is now…
Dear Phyllis, we did a special request at Please pray for Kathy’s liver metastasis.
Lots of hugs and drop by anytime about anything.
My sister was just diagnosed with lung cancer (never smoked) brain,bone and liver metastisis and in her glands. She did not have any symptoms, only occasional headaches which she took OTC meds for. She woke up on Saturday morning 2 weeks ago in severe pain all over, went to ER and the rest is history. She is having radiation treatments to the brain and back to help alleviate pain. Please pray for her (Kathy).