Metastatic Cancer from lung to liver life expectancy

metastatic cancer from lung to liver life expectancyMom was asked this week what the metastatic cancer from lung to liver life expectancy was. Which made mom crying rather than answering the question.

You need to know that mom being above 75 meets lots of elderly people when going to church, as the older generation sticks to their core habits.

Now each mass is dedicated to somebody, and these last 2 weeks that was for father who died of metastatic liver cancer, his brother in law who died from kidney cancer and mom’s parents.

Thinking back of what happened with her father having a "belly surgery" at his last days in hospital, we tend to believe he was suffering from colon cancer…

So in a moment like this being asked what the life expectancy is of yet another secondary cancer patient made mom cry for what had happened and the pain her friend was facing…

You can read more about liver cancer survival rate but you should get a clue with listening to your doctors as well. From the moment father was diagnosed with metastatic liver cancer, he lived on for another 5 months.

Those are father’s numbers, you need to know that those 5 months are far from a normal 5 months of any healthy person. Quality of life becomes difficult to measure and you need to cherish the moments that mind and body are doing as fine as can be.

Lung cancer life expectancy

When I was young, my old neighbour died of lung cancer. From the moment he threw away his package of cigarettes suddenly (he never told he had lung cancer but that day he came back from the doctor…) and the day I went to see him in hospital were he said he did have lung cancer, 3 to 4 months went by. From the day I saw him in the hospital to his funeral was less than 2 weeks.

Please read the cancer story from a dad (see picture above right) who got lung cancer at 80 and a metastatic cancer from the lung to liver was diagnosed 2 years later. His daughter writes 8 months later that in the last 3 months amongst others she lost her dad.

Just type in "cancer" in the search of her blog and read the posts: they are few and very emotional to the point of letting you understand what "quality of life" means.

Cancer stories conclusion

Father’s metastatic liver cancer nor the metastatic cancer from the lung to liver from "the dad in the above cancer story" had been treated with chemotherapy (although "the dad" had palliative chemotherapy
for his lung cancer with huge success for the tumor in his lung).

Both lived less than half a year after diagnosis but it took 2 years before the metastatic lung cancer to liver had spread in "the dad"s cancer story. Since father’s primary cancer was never found, we have no idea how long it took for that cancer to spread to his liver.

As always, ask your doctor what is the metastatic cancer from lung to liver life expectancy in your particular case, as each case is different.

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