Please pray for Kathy’s liver metastasis

Kathy was recently diagnosed with lung cancer and metastatic liver cancer. Her sister Phyllis wrote the following comment on Cancer stages: cancer story from Gina Hage


My sister was just diagnosed with lung cancer (never smoked) brain,bone and liver metastasis and in her glands.

She did not have any symptoms, only occasional headaches which she took OTC meds for.

She woke up on Saturday morning 2 weeks ago in severe pain all over, went to ER and the rest is history.

She is having radiation treatments to the brain and back to help alleviate pain. Please pray for her (Kathy).


Kathy is in our prayers Phyllis. And you are right: you don’t need to smoke in order to get lung cancer. Cancer just lures everywhere.


The brother of my father who died with metastatic liver cancer once told me: "we all have cancer, some just have it sooner than others…"

I could more agree though with one of the doctors saying: the healthier and stronger you are, the more chance you have never to face cancer. Here I need to add that we are poisoning our environment and planet, so it’s getting really difficult to live a healthy life…


Phyllis says: "the rest is history"… It’s not clear to me what she really means. Fact is that 16 months after father’s death, things are a far cry away from being history. Life becomes very different when a good person with a good lifestyle (like you said never smoked) suddenly has cancer "for no apparent reason".

If they can get it, we all can get it, but we cannot jump of our planet in search for a more healthy planet to live in…


If you have anything to add about metastatic liver cancer, a cancer story, a prayer or a hug, please leave a comment!

1 thought on “Please pray for Kathy’s liver metastasis”

  1. My brother Heron went to the ER on 7/6/2008 for a severe headache. He was diagnosed with a brain tumor. A brain tumor that had developed from a tumor in the lung. He had just turned 39 on 7/3/2008. He went through brain surgery on 7/10/2008. From there on cat scans , mri, radiation therapy to the brain area and more tests. They found more cancer in the stomach as well as his liver. He had one session of chemo and never recuperated from it. He passed on 9/2/2008. I always used to hear cancer stories from other people. But until you experience this on a personal level you don not really grasp how terrible this disease is. I still have not come to terms with my brothers death and how could he of died so quickly. He survived less than two months once he was diagnosed. He is terribly missed. My prayers and thoughts go out to everyone out there who has experienced this.


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