New metastatic liver cancer treatment: chocolate?

new cancer treatment

Eclairs covered with lots of chocolate was father’s new cancer treatment as in …a treat that brought a smile on father’s face!


Love is the best medicine!


Love doesn’t cure cancer and for sure chocolate is not a treatment for metastatic liver cancer. But love is the best foundation to give the much needed care a terminal cancer patient needs.


Parents love their children and devote lots and lots of their time and energy in raising their kids. The same effort will be needed when you are taking care of a loved one with cancer.


With kids, parents have a dream that they will end up like this or that… when talking about secondary liver cancer your dreams are on hold. The reality is that non of the metastatic liver cancer stories we gathered on our site talks about a cancer survivor.


Cure, Care or Chocolate?


There will be a moment you have to decide between:


  • will we try every treatment to cure the metastatic cancer or
  • will we admit we cannot cure the cancer and need to make the best out of a bad situation


You need to know that the longer you fight for a cure, most likely the more time the cancer patient spends in hospitals surrounded with doctors and nurses who don’t love them as much as you do!


Making the best out of a bad situation means going for "quality of life". Doctors use the term lightly. My brother’s first answer to what is quality of life?


father should travel to Norway…


…The next year my brother went on holiday to Norway. We never ever heard father talking about Norway in his entire life…


So what is quality of life? It’s different for each person!


You need to love and know the person
in order to know what he likes in his life and
you will have your answer to
what is quality of life.


For father, he loved to eat the above pastry: eclairs with lots of chocolate on top. Everybody knows that fat and chocolate are not good for the liver. But then you can choose:


  • give father a liver cleanse and put him on a strict boring diet without taste or
  • put a smile on father’s face when he receives his chocolate treat


When people smile, you know they are in their "quality of life" – zone.


A happy face was our guideline for giving father "quality of life". It’s in the small things of life that father enjoyed. It’s for sure not found between the 4 walls of the hospital.


We are still waiting for a new treatment for metastatic liver cancer. Father passed away in his sleep with a smile on his face…

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