Condolence flowers for Darla: please leave your hugs, prayers and condolences

condolence flowers

4 condolence flowers: one for each stage of liver cancer Darla’s aunt had to go through.


Please leave your hugs, prayers, support and condolences in a comment.


Darla’s aunt passed away having stage 4 liver cancer, 2 days after Darla shared her cancer story at Metastatic liver cancer facts : secondary liver cancer. Since Darla didn’t mention about any cancer treatment, we all understood which road she was going.


Compared to father’s road, one would say that Darla’s aunt took a shortcut…


We thank Darla for going the extra mile and updating us about her aunt’s liver cancer. Feel free to drop by any time and leave any other comment, question, thought, prayer, anger …


Like Darla says:


keep everyone in your prayers that
their answers and cancer treatments are successful.


Darla’s aunt’s stage 4 liver cancer story


Previous reactions on Darla’s comment were featured in prostate cancer treatment options.


After my recent posting, I’m very saddened to tell you that my aunt passed away 10/28/08 from the stage four liver cancer.


She became very weakened, could no longer eat, began to swell tremendously and was no longer putting out fluids and her nose began to bleed.


I will keep everyone in my prayers that your answers and treatments are successful. God Bless you all who seek help.

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