Nicole dropped by to share her prayers for cancer patients. Nicole’s father passed away with lung cancer but she keeps on dropping by for the support she gets from other cancer stories.
That’s why we ask you all: leave a comment and participate: it’s always easier to walk the path with other who have been there.
Do miracles happen when you pray?
When you believe that Jesus came back from the death, then it’s easy to believe that cancer patients can be cured. But I admit miracles don’t happen much.
Liver cancer patient Magalie Hall, author of My Victory over Cancer emphasizes forgiveness and the power of prayer, just like all our other metastatic liver cancer survivors believe:
- they believe there is a cure or
- Trish believes she has to hang in because she believes the cure for cancer will come soon.
All we know is that 2 years ago, I nor father’s doctors knew any secondary liver cancer survivors. As of today, we know a few and they all contribute here when they have the time, mood and energy.
We know that the number of survivors is way too small for comfort, but we also notice that all of them are alive because of their holistic cancer treatment approach. Meaning: they do everything right:
- believe there is a cure : believe it like you believe the sun will rise tomorrow
- use conventional medicine like chemotherapy, surgery and/or radiation therapy
- use alternative cancer treatments , organic food and exercise to boost overall health
- having a healthy spirit in a healthy body: more relaxation and less stress
- having money or health insurance to buy all the above
- surrounding themselves with love, remembering the words of pancreatic cancer patient Patrick Swayze: "gotta have a dog"
When Nicole drops by to give us her prayers, we can feel her love. Thanks Nicole!
Love and prayers alone won’t cure your cancer, but they are part of the total approach in order to cope as good as possible and for some even to cure their metastatic liver cancer.
The Secret
For those not believing in God, find inspiration in having a dialogue with "The Energy out There" reading The Secret. But what you will read in The Secret can be summarized as such:
things will happen
when you believe in them,
in the same manner that you believe
that the sun will rise tomorrow.
In other words: prayers can’t buy you good health, but when you believe: it’s only logical you will be praying.
Nicole’s prayers for cancer patients
Nicole left the comment below at can chemotherapy cure cancer?
Hello to everyone, it has only been 4 months since my father passed. Seems like forever.
I still come on the site to read other stories and just feel the support I get from others stories.
Don’t ever give up.
I know. It’s hard.
Stay positive.
Enjoy every second that you have with your loved one.
I pray for you all.
Thanks Nicole, all hugs back to you and drop by anytime.
For everyone reading this: please inspire others and share your prayers for cancer patients or share your story in a comment.
My sister was diagnosed with rectal cancer last year. She underwent chemo & radiation treatment. This past week via follow up PET scan and MRI her oncologist told her that there is now a lesion on her liver. We have found that the statistics for this type of mets is rare. Looking to hear from anyone who might have experienced this or know of someone who has been through this. Thank you.