Update on Jim’s’ son: both colon cancer survivor and metastatic liver cancer survivor.
We urge all colon cancer survivors and all metastatic liver cancer survivors to share their experience in order to inspire others that are going the same road.
We thank Jim for his continuous updates about his son, who was diagnosed with secondary liver cancer September 2008, spread from the colon both to the liver and the lungs.
Jim’s’ son’s aunt is a certified oncology nurse who insist Jim’s’ son keeps on taking a Grifola mushroom compound, because one of her patients who couldn’t afford the mushroom compound saw her cancers coming back.
We stress that Grifola mushroom (see picture above) also known as Maitake in Japan or "Grifola Frondosa" or "hen-of-the-woods" in English is only one component in doing everything right to cure cancer.
Grifola is further described as one of the 350 natural cancer treatments that work. From page 141 onwards you can read that laboratory studies have shown that Grifola extract can inhibit the growth of tumors and stimulate the immune system of cancerous mice.
… Human clinical studies of patients with breast cancer and colorectal cancer are underway in the US. In China, 63 patients with lung cancer, stomach cancer or liver cancer or leukemia who took 4 capsules of Grifola extract 3 times daily for 1 to 3 months experienced an anticancer effect…
What’s crucial in order to treat a cancer with more success than normally studied and documented in conventional treatments, is that you do anything to stimulate your immune system. Everything more than conventional cancer treatments:
- from organic food,
- to supplements advised by experienced cancer care givers,
- to a positive mind-set and
- eliminating stress.
The latter being difficult as you are worried to death when you hear the word cancer, so find stress relievers and relaxation exercises to move forward in a more positive direction.
But let Jim speak in his own words 🙂
Jim’s update about his son
Commented at Jim’s son’s victory over metastatic liver cancer:
He is doing ok and is now back on the Oxalyplatin and oral Xeloda. He is looking well and in good spirits and enjoys a joke most of the time. He has also gained 25 pounds in weight!
When he recently went for his PET scan we had time to spare before the appointment and we went to see his ‘old boss’. He nearly fell over when he saw him walk through the door and said afterwards “I never thought I would see him walk through that door again”.
Yesterday he took his car for a spin when he took his mother to get her car from being serviced.
All is good at the moment.
His aunt is still treating him with all sorts of stuff; but has said he must always take the Grifola mushroom compound even if he has nothing else. One of her patients who had to make economies stopped the mushroom extract and her cancers started to come back.
I know we are lucky and not paying the A$140/bottle for it but if you can afford it try it.
I don’t have much more information at the moment as things as I said earlier are as good as can be expected, we are hoping for a good outcome; we are going for the minimum of the 5 year target at this stage.
This is a far cry from the 6 weeks to 3 months last September. His cancer counts have also gone from 2300 to 100 a slight rise in the lowest of 35.
Remember cancer patients need relaxation and no stress and have no worries about anything else but getting well. I know it is stressful on the caregivers but it is worth it.
My wife and I both have jobs to keep a hold of and we share the care between us. She works shifts and finishes early weekdays by 9 am and then works all day Sat and Sun when I look out for him.
Best wishes to you all, and I hope your outcomes are all good too.
Thanks Jim, we wish you and your family well and we wish your continuous updates inspire others to add their experience to the puzzle of:
"all things you need to do right in order to cure cancer".