

Reality check: there is no cure for metastatic liver cancer.

This site started about my fathers life after being diagnosed with secondary liver cancer. It talks about his last few months, how doctors basically gave up on him once they saw that his liver looked like a raisin bread, be it that the raisins where unknown cancers. It documents how father’s body declined like a snowman melts in the sun.

People have been sharing their similar stories, some did try chemo, others like my father didn’t.


Our father passed away from metastatic liver cancer because none of his doctors had ever seen nor experienced somebody surviving this disease. We paid them huge amounts of money and they told us "there is no cure". And just like that, all will power to survive and beat the cancer disappeared in father’s eyes…

Get inspired by those who share their story (unfortunately we don’t have survivor stories yet):

This site is written by a person with no medical certificates whose father died of the disease. For those who are new to the matter: although it is hard to see a person passing away with the disease, the pain and hardship for the surviving partner is mostly undocumented, yet at times seems to be bigger than the pain felt by the cancer patients themselves.

All cancer stories on this site come from cancer patients, their loved ones, caregivers and a few cancer patients.

This website wants to share your stories from the moment you heard your doctor saying the words: there is no cure for metastatic liver cancer, your loved one is dying…

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