Can you cure metastatic liver cancer with ayurvedic treatment?

ayurvedic cancer treatment

You can cure cancer with ayurvedic cancer treatment according to Magalie Hall‘s Natural Cancer Treatments book at page 322:


Ayurvedic specialist Dr. Nandlal Tiwari has been treating terminal cancer patients with acclaimed measure of success. He uses a herb mixture gathered from the tribes in the Assam forest and branded it Carctol®.


Can Ayurvedic treat metastatic liver cancer?


This question was asked by Sps Sawhney in Metastatic liver cancer facts. Our answer is simple: if there was 1 miracle cure to treat cancer, we would all have heard about it by now.


But if you read our metastatic liver cancer survivors, you know that alternative cancer treatments are part in their victory over cancer.


We do repeat the words "are part of", because all of our survivors have one thing in common: an holistic approach to cancer treatment (see right sidebar).


So what about Carctol® or Ayurvedic in general? Carctol® is only one of the 350 Natural Cancer Treatments that were used by 2000 interviewed cancer survivors.


Ayurveda (the ‘science of life’) is a system of traditional medicine native to India,Chopra, and practiced in other parts of the world as a form of alternative medicine.


From our experience, we don’t know anybody who survived metastatic liver cancer using Ayurvedic.


But our experience is limited – yet grows every day thanks to all you who drop by and share your stories! Just like father’s doctors experience was so limited they didn’t know anybody surviving metastatic liver cancer.


After 2 years of blogging, we now know a few people who do survive secondary liver cancer:


  1. CJ,
  2. Dan,
  3. Patti,
  4. Ray and our regular commentators
  5. Jim’s son and
  6. Trish.


That’s only 6 survivors but still 6 more than none. You can read their stories on our website.


Karon Beattie found 1994 other cancer survivors who were using alternative cancer treatments and wrote them down in her book Natural Cancer Treatments.


What’s the secret of Ayurvedic?


The famous book by Rhonda Byrne "The Secret" will tell you that there is no secret. There is what works and what doesn’t work.


What works according to the secret is visualizing what you want to get and "your vision will come true". Cathy Goodman, a breast cancer survivor in The Secret said she cured herself because :


"I truly believed in my hearth, with my strong faith, that I was already healed…


One of the things I also did to heal myself was to watch very funny movies… Laughter really is the best medicine.


When you believe like Cathy Goodman believes, or you have faith like liver cancer survivor Magalie Hall, author of "My Victory over Cancer", you can be sure that miracles do happen.


When you are like me who only believes what she sees, I see our 6 metastatic liver cancer survivors using an holistic cancer treatment based on:


  • good spirits,
  • traditional medicine to beat the cancer,
  • alternative cancer treatments to boost their overal health and immune system.


If you believe that Ayurvedic can improve your overall health and boost your immune system, then please do use it. Just be inspired by what Jim says:


we don’t know what is working, but something is!


As far as I understand cancer there is no 1 miracle cure. However it is clear that a lifestyle that does everything to improve your overal health, spirit and immune system proves to be crucial when it comes to surviving cancer.

4 thoughts on “Can you cure metastatic liver cancer with ayurvedic treatment?”

  1. The important question that keeps unanswered is:
    -what is causing cancer, so we know how to prevent it.

    Answering Kath-e’s first reply from – 10:05 am –

    Remember the H1N1 outbreak: no cure available so we are all provided with all the knowledge possible to prevent getting H1N1.

    Why isn’t a similar amount of knowledge shared to all of us?

    Rejecting people from clinical trials is actually admitting that their cure is not working for the disease the people are willing to sign up for.

    If you know how to prevent cancer in the first place, you will help much more people than if you wait until they come to hospital with a metastatic cancer.

    Thanks for sharing Kath-e!

    Hugs and God bless.

  2. Hi Kath-e,

    You’re adviced to share your story to hospice.

    Your son loves you and doesn’t want to see you go already.

    He feels bad about it which gets expressed in anger, hatred… Do know he hates the disease, he is angry about the disease, he loves you.

    Hugs and God bless,


  3. big question….helppp…kath-e here again…is it possible that my son bec of his denial of my mets liver cancer and prognosis of 3-6 mos…that he could actually have feelings of hatred bec hes bout to lose his mother…im trying to bear with him…hes 40…im 58 and was a single mom for always…i just feel he hs so much anger and resentment towards me now….

    i dont know how to handle this…its more easier to handle the prognosis than my son right now….

    i need some advice…

    thank you all

    prayers peace and hugs to all

  4. one cure for all…hmmm…sounds appealing however..but not in reality…

    common sense will tell you there never will be a one cure all for cancer…

    due to the fact that there are so many kinds of cancers..each one being unique in its own way…

    however we have come along way with cancer treatments and have a lot going on in the works…

    they are finding out that for the first time ever that one chemo for one cancer is now working for a differnt kind of cancer altogether…this is great!!

    and finally more people are seeing remission than ever before…and that is wonderful…

    the only problem with mets liver cancer is the fact that there are many options for treatment…however there arent enough mets liver cancer patients for all the significant trials out there bec of the low mets liver survival rates…

    i tried to volunteer…not for the fact that i can be helped bec my liver mets is untreatable..but if it would help with a new discovery or treatment that could help someone else with this ugly disease i would do that…

    however i was turned down by nci for any clinical trials…bec they said that i had already been treated for two years every three weeks of a very heavy duty chemo called CHOP…and a result of my not seeing remission that makes me unable to participate…

    however…if there are any liver mets patients out there pls know that you can contact the nci for liver mets cancer and they will let you know what trials are availble and if you will qualify…

    god bless all!


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