Metastatic liver cancer prognosis

metastatic liver cancer prognosis

Linda asks our past experience in order to give a metastatic liver cancer prognosis for her aunt of 80 years (commented on
Metastatic liver cancer is unfair).
Our answer:

The candle can burn all the way
when well taken care off and
without a sudden unexpected breeze.


In our past experience we were given the following prognosis:


  • the most direct crude answer came from the colon specialist saying: "your father is dying". Asked how long father would live he said: "most likely 3 to 6 months without any chemotherapy."
  • the young oncologist said: "since we don’t know the primary cancer, I will have to give a very aggressive chemotherapy, and there is no guarantee that your father will survive the chemotherapy"
  • the liver specialist said: "a few weeks"
  • father’s GP said: "your father has a strong and stubborn character, so he will tend to live longer than half of the prognosis given by a specialist"


3 months after father was diagnosed with metastatic liver cancer, his health took a step to the worst and we had to rush him to hospital.


The hospital doctor on call said: "I will stabilize your father’s condition and hopefully he will be able to return in a few days".


Father returned home a few days later but "quality of life" was no longer than what it was before he went to hospital the last time.


Father died at home less than 5 months after he was diagnosed.


To summarize my experience: "your father is dying" was a clear message to reorganize my life in such a way I could spend the most time possible with my father in the days after he was diagnosed.


Just like you Linda, we didn’t do any follow up tests to see how father’s blood or liver was doing:


  • First it’s quite hard to ask something like "father: let’s take some blood so we can second guess how long you most likely will live…"
  • Secondly you will notice when the cancer is sucking out the life of your loved one, so with a bit of gut feeling you will know when the end is near.


Father did say the last day of his life to mother: "if I needed to start all over again, I will do it again with you…". That night father passed away with a smile on his face…


Linda’s metastatic liver cancer story


My Aunt of 80 years was diagnosed with secondary colon cancer on her liver.

She had two tumors 6cm and 3cm.

We went and had one ablated (so we think) we have not scheduled any other follow up tests.

The other tumor is right by her gallbladder and the Dr. was hesitant because he was concerned about burning her gallbladder and causing other complications.

She has decided to not have any further treatment.

The Dr. found the tumors in March of 08.

She looks great and still drives.

She is choosing quality of life for the moment.

How long do you think she may have from past experience.

The one Dr. said 8 months. I read somewhere that there is a 30% chance that she could survive 5 years.


Thanks for sharing Linda, feel free to ask more. All our hugs and prayers for you and your family!

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