How to beat metastatic liver cancer

Cancer Treatments that work

What can 4 weddings and a funeral teach us about metastatic liver cancer? Shouldn’t it more be like 4 funerals and a wedding?


No it shouldn’t!


Metastatic liver cancer treatment


We just got 3 updates, 2 from metastatic liver cancer survivors and one from a person who wants to survive metastatic liver cancer.


Let’s start with Jim’s son’s metastatic liver cancer: see his comment at Jim’s son’s victory over metastatic liver cancer.


It has been 10 months since my son was diagnosed with liver mets and colon cancer and he is still with us thank God.

He is on his 10th round of chemo therapy and has had is oral chemo increased to 1500mg/day. He is doing ok and is in good spirits even though some days he is down.

His cancer counters have stabilised at about 300 from a low of 80 and a high of 2300 which is good. The oncologist has said he wants to make sure the colon cancer is ‘dead’ and then they can make some decisions as what to do and has said there are quite a few options open to them. His liver mets have calcified and as far as I know they are no longer a threat at this moment; which is good.

He is still taking all the alternative cancer treatments prescribed by his aunt and is looking good. No hair loss no sickness. etc.

That’s about all at the moment. I will keep you informed. Good luck to you all, and if you can find a good alternative practitioner which I a sure in our case has helped immensely.



Now welcome Mark, our latest metastatic liver cancer survivor who left this comment at Jim’s son’s victory over metastatic liver cancer :


I was diagnosed with Metastatic liver cancer in January 2009

  1. I had 5 rounds of chemotherapy: Carboplatin, Etoposide
  2. Took supplements (CoEnzyme Q10, selenium, Zeolite, apricot kernels)
  3. I started eating only organic foods, very little meat (occasional organic chicken) – basically vegetarian
  4. Went to the Gawler Foundation in Melbourne which encourages meditation, diet etc for cancer sufferers and
  5. is a wonderful, hope-filled place.


I am now in remission (they never found the primary), and feel better than I have in 20 years. So metastatic liver cancer I think can be beaten – but it takes a change in lifestyle to do it!


What Mark says boils down to how Jim’s son is surviving metastatic liver cancer and what we are saying in our sidebar : change your lifestyle so your body can beat the cancer as such:


  1. Use conventional medicine like chemotherapy, surgery and/or radiation therapy.
  2. Use alternative cancer treatments to boost your immune system and overall health:
    1. the healthier you are: the better you can fight of diseases and
    2. the healthier you are: the better chemotherapy could work for you
  3. follow a healthy diet based on organic roducts
  4. Follow an holistic health approach: having a healthy spirit in a healthy body:
    1. focus on less stress,
    2. more relaxation,
    3. more exercise (Jim’s son is swimming twice a week for both exercise and relaxation),
  5. Surround yourself with as many loving and helpful creatures you can find and believe there is a cure.


So when Robert Bruno Jr. asks in a comment at How to survive secondary liver cancer :


My father is suffering from secondary liver cancer from unknown primary. Doctors have given up on him, but we haven’t. Chemo, they say has not worked. Please help us if you can!


We can only say: show your doctor Jim’s survivor story because all doctors I encountered never saw a patient living through metastatic liver cancer.


As long as your doctors don’t know of any survival case, they don’t believe in a cure so they don’t want to put more time and effort in curing metastatic liver cancer.


Get inspired by Jim’s son and all our other metastatic liver cancer survivors.


Change your lifestyle drastically to a healthy one and know that chemotherapy supported by alternative cancer treatments has much more chance of success than only the chemotherapy. If you want to beat metastatic liver cancer, you have to do everything right,
not simply change 1 aspect of your life.

22 thoughts on “How to beat metastatic liver cancer”

  1. Hello their

    my mom was diagnosied with metastatis liver cancer , the doctor said its was originated in the colon, we try to avoid sending here to take chemotherapy , right now we focus on treat here naturally , we gave here all kind of green food and vegetables , garlics , curcum ,and musshroms
    we try to give here water with ph over 7.5
    to be honest we not sure if this can work or not .
    Eng : alaa awadallah

  2. Hi, I’m Karen….i’m 52 yrs old from Canada, and I was diagnosed in June 2, 2009 with mets to the liver from my breast cancer in 2006. I had discomfort under my ribs and went for a check up, my 5 year clear was in July 2009. My scans and tests showed that the left lobe of my liver was shriveled and my right lobe had numerous lesions with a large cancer mass of 10 X 6cm. I had numerous lesions on my bones and on my lungs. My diagnosis was dismal and heartbreaking. They advised i had 12-18 mos. At the end of my week of testing I had a major upper GI bleed and was admitted into the hospital for 5 days, with GI bands placed on small blood vessels that had burst in my esophagus. My Doc indicated it was probably from the pressure of the liver. I began immediate chemo for about 4 months, lost my hair again, and tolerated that chemo until the neuropathy reached my knees. After several scans the large tumor in my liver remained the same. The lesions on my bones and lungs disappeared. I have been on capecitabine now for over a year, and just found cancer in my lower lumber L2-L3 and received 5 treatments of radiation. I feel really good, although i suffer from boughts of depression, fatigue, and sadness. I have 5 children in my home and am a treatment foster home for kids. Right now I have a girl we adopted at birth, age 13, her brother age 12, both are FAS, a sibling group of 3 with a set of twins age 12, born with cocaine addictions, and their younger brother age 9. My husband and I have 3 kids from previous marriages, and 5 grand babies. Some of our other foster kids who lived with us, and grown up are still involved in our home and lives. Needless to say I have a large family and just can’t see myself going anywhere at this time…lol I can happily, and gratefully say I am about to celebrate my 18th month survival anniversary date on December 2, 2010…. Yippeee! I fight everyday for my life. I thank you all for sharing the diet information as i am going to try some of the advise given. It’s all about believing you will endure…fight for your life…stay positive no matter how much negative surrounds you. Remove the negative, as hard as that maybe, and surround yourself with positive life forces.
    I have never shared my story so I thank you for the opportunity to do that…
    Stay Strong and I hope this has inspired some to live past the morbid 1 year mark…Walking in Peace and Beauty

  3. I won’t read all the see on cancer because it upsets me to much. I wanted to say that I was given a year last March and I’m still here. I have God to thank and a very hard head. I don’t believe all the doctors tell me. I take myself of chemo when I (and I do) know that I’ve had enough for awhile. I’ve been off two months now and some tests due to a sore right lung that has liquid in it the size of a cantalope. Since the 2 months is shrank fifty percent and 33 percent on the left side. Doc say’s it not the chemo.. yeah right. He just wants me on chemo and I want me alive. No primary yet. I’m thinking of going to a hospital for a second opinion.. I’m in the process now. I’m keeping the fight alive and my counts are down from their 240 to 64 marker.. Bless you all and my advice is “You have to TRUST yourself” you are your best judge.. the doctors can’t feel anything.

  4. Dear Roland,

    It would be great that all cancer survivors add their input how they survived!

    Boosting the immune system is doing everything right for what the body is supposed to be doing: eat healthy food, breath healthy air and move.

    Anything organic is healthy, yet Jim’s son is eating as much diversified as possible. That’s where I say: you have to do everything right, and not try to find the 1 miracle food.

    Having said that, Jim’s gut feeling tells him a certain mushroom extract is a great help (do read Alternative Treatments For Cancer) but again you have to do everything right:

    1. Believe there is a cure
    2. Use conventional treatments like chemotherapy, surgery and/or radiation therapy.
    3. Use alternative cancer treatments that boost your immune system and overall health
    4. Follow an holistic health approach: having a healthy spirit in a healthy body:
    1. less stress,
    2. more relaxation,
    3. more exercise
    4. a healthy diversified diet based on organic products
    5. make sure you have a hobby to pass your time doing something you love
  5. Make sure you have money or good health insurance to buy what you need to better achieve all of the above: your life is priceless!
  6. Surround yourself with as many loving and helpful creatures you can find.
  7. Please keep us posted!

  8. Hello there cancer survivors, may GOD continue to bless you and your family abundantly. Up to now, surgery to treat my colon cancer is not yet done, and same for the mets at the liver, the reason is, PET scan revealed a metastatic at my neck (C7 vertaebre), with this, different direction of treatment is needed. Will have a round of radio therapy and Chemo, still, my doctors are still saying that surgery at my liver will not mean a positive turn out regardless they will remove all the cancer cells, i may have liver failure if the organ concerned will not function properly after surgery since it already gone through rounds of chemo. What i can do for now, is (as they say), to boost my immune system. Could you give me some ideas what and how to have a balance diet just to strengthen my immune system? Any info what food intake I should have? Fruits, veggies, or anything? Your help is greatly appreciated. GOD Bless.

  9. Hi Lisa,

    Hope, spirituality and believe are personal. People who believe they can survive a bad situation have much more survival chances than people that don’t believe or don’t have good hope.

    Our site shows you only a few metastatic liver cancer survivors, but they all have one thing in common: they believe there is a cure.

  10. Hi Gwyn,

    Roland didn’t say which surgery he was having (colon or liver or both), nor is it clear for which surgery your mother’s doctor said no, so we need more info to fully compare.

    Your mother’s doctor, oncologist or surgeon should be able to inform you. It’s possible that you need to be persistent getting their answer. You can ask your GP to make a call and do the asking for you, as sometimes doctors respond faster to their colleagues.

    • Surgery on the liver when a person has secondary liver cancer with primary colon cancer doesn’t cure the colon cancer. The primary will re-invade the liver and the problem will continue (read colon cancer metastasized to liver)
    • Surgery on the liver during palliative care will only be done if it can improve the patient’s quality of life.

    Father didn’t have liver surgery for many reasons:

    • his overall health was poor due to having the cancer
    • he was 75
    • the primary cancer was unknown, so without any general chemotherapy to attack "all kind of cancers", his primary would always re-invade his liver
    • and part of his liver looked like a raisin bread (see picture at father’s tumors in the liver) in stead of having 1 clear little tumor.

    Jim’s son, our most active metastatic liver cancer survivor didn’t get surgery either so far for the following reason:

    • We have decided not to operate on the bowel tumor for the moment as he needs to gain more strength and put on more weight. The surgeons agreed with this as they said the bowel cancer is not now a problem.
    • We want him to get stronger so he can have the operation and hopefully reverse the stoma.

    If I didn’t answer your question Gwyn, please ask again.

    Don’t take ‘no’ for an answer without getting well informed. Do ask and get a second opinion from other doctors from more specialized hospitals or doctors from your friends and family.

  11. My mother was diagnosed with Stage iv colon cancer metastatic liver in april 09. at the current time her stomach and lungs are clear. the largest legion on her liver is approx. 2 cm. I see Roland awaits surgery. What makes a candidate eligible for surgery? They tell my mother “no” surgery.

  12. Hi Roland

    Straight to the point: when my father was diagnosed with metastatic liver cancer ALL the doctors and specialists said there is no cure. This took my fathers urge to live away: when there is no hope, there is no reason to fight the disease.

    However, this website gathered a few metastatic liver cancer survivors, and

    a few survivors is still a hell of a lot more than none!

    The last doctor I spoke about cancer said: they only thing you can do to overcome cancer is to boost your immune system and make sure your body can fight the cancer.

    • The author of My Victory over Cancer talks about her diet and liver cleanse. Do know that she is a primary liver cancer survivor. Liver cleanse for secondary liver cancer is like cleaning a lake but not cleaning up the dirty feeding river that contaminated and still contaminates the lake.
    • Alternative treatments for cancer describes many things you can eat or change in your lifestyle out of the experience of 2000 cancer survivors.
    • Jim’s son is our most active metastatic liver cancer survivor documenting what he does. When it comes to eating, he stresses on a variety of food more than on just organic food (which is what I stress on). Both agree that mushrooms are an overlooked immune booster, and Jim documented which mushroom he is taken.

    We summarized what we learned from our metastatic cancer survivors on this site and what cures cancer in "you have to do everything right".

    And just recently we had another metastatic liver cancer survivor with primary brast cancer at Can chemotherapy cure metastatic liver cancer?

    Lots of hugs and prayers for you, drop by anytime, during good days and less good days, as it isn’t a bed of roses, but it can be cured!

  13. i am a stage 4 cancer victim (colon cancer with metastatic liver cancer), diagnosed last July ’09, have taken radio and chemotherapy, the positive thing is, i haven’t experienced 80% of the side effects of the chemo treatment (just the lost of appetite during treatment by a IV for 3 days, loss of the hair), now, my hair starts to grow back, gained weight, and complexion is back to normal, still, the affected colon is not yet removed, same also for the affected part of my liver, i am doing great and don’t feel a thing, still, it worries me knowing that there are only few persons who had survive the same cancer that i have. i am still awaiting the sched of the surgery and hoping it will turn out positive, for now, i am doing researching in the net what could prolong my life through balance diet such as detoxifying my liver. hope you could give me some pointers on what to eat or take for me to have enough time live with family and friends, thank you so much

  14. Another update on Jim’s son 2/2/2010.

    He has just come home from seeing the oncologist this afternoon. The Erbitux seems to be doing the job. His cnacer counts have just about halved and the blood picture is good and he has gained weight and also looks good even though a little thin. He doesn’t have to see the oncologist for another three weeks but still has to have the weekly infusion of the drug. The oncologist was as ecstatic as my wife when he got the results.

    Things are looking good at the moment. Keep inspired. Best wishes and prayers for you all.


  15. My friend Christine will be the next liver cancer survivor. She has been fighting Her2 negative and positive cancer for 4 years. She is now taking Avistan for secondary liver cancer. She attends regular exercise sessions and is very careful about what she eats. Her, her family and friends are determined she will beat this. I believe that if ANYONE – CAN beat such a thing. She will. Jims story gives me hope and it is time to add another survivor to the list!
    Go Chrissy!

  16. Dear Heidi,

    It is ‘good’ to see that your mom barely knows that she is ill. In your fight to beat the cancer, do get inspired by Jim’s son happy 1 year metastatic liver cancer anniversary.

    Main thing to do is do everything right, like you can read on the right side bar of this page. Jim’s son does mention that mushrooms seems to have a positive effect, but don’t fall in the trap of hoping there is one magic thing to change in order for your mom to get better: beating cancer is about doing everything right!

    Be realistic: the metastatic liver survivors are few on our site, and the doctors advising you to do like Jim’s son are none on this site. We pray that your mom will be our next metastatic liver cancer survivor.

    Hugs and drop by any time with more questions or just when you need to recharge your batteries!

  17. hey there…
    We are 3 weeks into knowing of mums metasatic liver cancer.She has 6 legions, one rather big at 10 cms. She has no pain is mainly herself and occasionaly tired.Presently you would barely know she is ill. A little tenderness under ribs. She has it in no other organs, but found a spot it may be in the bone. we are having a recommended 2 month rest before chemo, but I cant rest.I research day and night for answers to this, just to help her. Food is a huge answer, no sugar. We are looking into Holts radio wave therapy available here in Oz. She is so strong. She is happy as cancer in no other organs gave her hope. Hope is powerful.We accept it all now, dont expect too much but hope and act for the best. Please let me know if you have any suggestions. To fight for life is such a natural thing, what a beautiful world we have, want to keep my mummy with me in it as long as I can.Ill write soon.Sad that woeful conditions like this cancer exist. Heidi

  18. Help…I dont want to lose my mother. Breast cancer 8 years ago, now found in the liver multiple legions. Cant they just cut it out? Having tests fear it may be else where. Keep u posted as to results.Australia seems behind U.S. She is only 61, so fit and healthy and beautiful and my best friend. Chemo or no chemo, she survived it 8 years ago. No checks picked this up sjhe asked for tests as she thought she had gawl stones. Hopeless?? Do people EVER live more than 12 months with this besides Jims son? Heidi

    • Dear Heidi,

      We have a few more survivor stories on our side, mainly to show an example that when you believe and make an overly extra effort that “normal doctors” don’t make, you can survive. Unfortunately: hospitals tell you: the chances of surviving are small, and we never saw any, so we are going to use our resources to cure people we believe we can cure.

      Cutting the cancer out of the liver can when it is 1 tumor. However, if the tumor is like my father’s tumor, you could compare his liver with a bread and his tumors as the raisins in the raisin bread. Try to get all the raisins out of a raisin bread… it’s not easy.

      If “all” gets cut out, there is still the primary cancer sending new cancer cells to the liver, so the primary cancer should be cured first logically.

      Please keep us posted and feel free to comment any time. Hugs for you and your family.

    • Dear Khoo,

      Please ask your questions and we will be happy to answer you out of our experience.

      Please use the search function to find what you are looking for or explain how we can improve your visiting experience,

      Thanks and God Bless!

  19. Hi, My aunty suffered breast cancer and was given the all clear last year… she has been in hospital for ‘gallstones’ and during the scan they discovered mest Liver cancer is there hope for her i feel devasted after all she went through to beat the breast cancer such a short time ago



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