Bowel cancer and metastatic liver cancer

This metastatic liver cancer story comes from Lyndsey and was commented on our 2 other metastatic liver cancer stories from 3 weeks ago 🙁

My Dad has Bowel cancer and secondary Liver Cancer which is not curable!

He is only 55 years old and I am absolutely devastated.

He must get his CT and MRI Scan at the end of this week.

It is so draining for all of us waiting on results!

I am trying to be positive for him but I’m finding it very hard just thinking of him dying!

It makes me so sad!

Metastatic liver cancer

Dear Lyndsey,

As by now you most likely know the results from the CT and MRI scan. You should also have had the talk with the oncologist.

I was quite surprised to read when you say: "Bowel cancer and secondary Liver Cancer which is not curable". If this is what your doctor says, then listen to your doctor…

There is always a small chance that when the primary bowel cancer gets removed, the secondary cancer could be treated as well being your father only 55, which means much stronger to face the ordeal of chemotherapy or surgery compared with my hubby’s father who was 75 when diagnosed with metastatic liver cancer.

My own dad had a cancerous colon tumor removed and his cancer is spreading but didn’t settle yet in one of his organs. Being 85 years old, doctors say he could die rather from old age than from a secondary cancer because the older one gets, the slower the cancer cells reproduce.

In your father’s case: the younger you are, the better you can deal with chemotherapy and surgery or other ways to remove or treat cancer like hepatocellular chemoembolization.

Just prepare yourself for the draining that is still to come when you need to take care of your father at a moment he needs help. Before that try to focus on life and the things you used to enjoy together. Prepare yourself now with organising as many people as possible to help you out in moments where your energy need to focus on helping your father.

Old habits sometimes are the ones that bring more joy than "looking for the quality of life in a once in a lifetime trip to Antarctica"…

A big hug for you Lyndsey and your family. Do leave a comment if you have more questions or if you feel like sharing.

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