Kaye’s Metastatic Liver Cancer Story

Kaye shares here metastatic liver cancer story below commenting on Kristen‘s cancer story.

Please share your cancer stories, as they will help others:

  • coping with the drastic change that occurs in your daily life due to cancer
  • knowing that they are not alone and can ask us

Thanks for sharing Kaye!

Kaye’s Cancer Story

I feel so much for what you and your family are going through Kristen.

I went through the diagnosis and dying period of my husband Kim in a state of shock and the period where he withdrew was so hard as we were like one in life.

I reckon if a cancer can enter your families’ life as unforeseen and uninvited as it has then there is every possibility that a miracle can as well.

It just wasn’t the case for my Kim and he left us soooo quickly.

Kim was not afforded chemo embolisation as the doctors decided that the cancer was too advanced and the treatment may hasten his death. He died within 9 days of diagnosis and had been well up until he had a cat scan. The doctor rang to give me that news about no embo about 2 hours after he had passed away.

We spent a lot of time stealing kisses whenever we could.

All we had during his last days was pain management which he was thankful for however he was disappointed at the effect it had on him and clear thinking loss.

Our 6 kids are aged 14 to 25 and each day presents some new occasion that I know Kim should be here for. I am grappling with the fact that he is not here and we are all trying to make the best of it. It is sooo hard.

As to alternative treatments …someone said to me that they had a relative with a stage iv diagnosis of liver cancer who took aloe vera and is still alive 3 years later.

3 thoughts on “Kaye’s Metastatic Liver Cancer Story”

  1. I am beyond angry. My 56 year old sister was diagnosed with Stage IV Advanced Adenocarcinoma Liver Cancer from an unknown primary on September 11, 2008. She is in her final stages of dying. She had no symptoms at all. She attended my son’s wedding in May this year and looked fine. She was even under the care of several specialists for her type II diabetes and high cholesterol. But none of the doctors ever tested her for cancer. The Chemotherapy they tried her on didn’t work, even a more aggressive Chemotherapy was done and that too didn’t work, the cancer ate right through the Chemo. I asked my doctor to run tests on me because of this and he told me he couldn’t because the insurance companies don’t allow it and I couldn’t afford the test on my own. He also said the type of Cancer my sister has is like that of a submarine, it lays low and the bottom undetected. You don’t know it’s there, it’s silent yet sinister. It attacks and destroys all the while without you even knowing it and then it’s too late. What is wrong with the medical insurance companies? They just don’t care if we live or die. They’re still going to get their premiums paid regardless. I will be a statistic now when it comes to losing a loved one to Cancer.

  2. Hi, My Da also Died from Liver cancer, when Kay said that they only had 9 days from diagnosis till Kim passed, it was simular for us we had 2 weeks but my dad was fine (well he was able to be up anfd about, his mental state was fine they said he had 3 months) but he just went into a sleep & didnt realy wake up..
    The shock of how fast it happened was unreal, it was like a car crash… My father Donal passed on the 16 July 2006 he was only 52 & its still very hard to deal with its like the last 2 years didnt happen..


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