There are 2 directions you can go when you are diagnosed with metastatic liver cancer: live or die. We share stories of cancer patients that went one way and the other.
What are your 2 options?
- Against all odds you can try to beat your cancer: holistic cancer treatment.
- Going with the flow you accept you are going to die in less than 6 months: palliative care.
1. How to treat metastatic liver cancer?
First and foremost you need to believe you can cure your cancer, as much as you believe that the sun will rise tomorrow.
Unfortunately your doctors will advice you not to cure the cancer because in their experience they never met any metastatic liver cancer survivor, nor is there any known ‘fast lane’ cancer treatment to cure secondary cancer.
Fortunately our site brings together a handful of metastatic liver cancer survivors who show that when you believe and you do everything right, you can survive metastatic liver cancer. Doing everything right means you need to look for holistic cancer treatments that take the whole person, his environment and every medicine and experience into consideration.
We summarized how to do everything “right” in the “right” side bar of this page.
2. How to treat a loved one that is going to die with metastatic liver cancer
This stage is called “palliative care”. Use the search function to read cancer stories what to expect when your loved one is dying from cancer. 2 examples illustrate what you can expect:
- your loved one will melt away in front of your eyes like a snowman melts away in the sun: every day the snowman will be a little less than the day before.
- your loved one will burn our like a candle: if you are lucky, the candle will burn long, if you are unlucky, a sudden draft will blow out the fire.
Everybody will now tell you that you have to improve the "quality of life" of your loved one. But at the moment you know that your loved one is going to die, how can you even think about "quality of life"? In stead you, like all of us that went through it, will feel depressed and angry. In short: "quality of life" is enjoying moments and activities as when you would enjoy them when you were still healthy.
Unfortunately, these moments will become less and less the more the cancer is interfering. To keep the symptoms of the cancer beareable, you need to organize as much people as you can find in order to help you. In an ideal situation there should be always 1 person available 24/7 only to help your loved one. This is the ideal situation, try to get as close to it as possible by calling all your family members, friends, professional care takers of any kind (e.g. a house cleaner so you can look after your loved one in stead of cleaning your house) and hospice.
Introduce professional care takers as soon as possible to your loved one, as the longer the liver is functioning bad, the more difficult it is for the patient to accept or understand change.
What to do when you have metastatic liver cancer?
- Believe you can beat the cancer and start doing everything right. Use our "search" to get inspired by our metastatic liver cancer survivor stories.
- Believe that the end is near and start organizing as much extra help to take care of yourself and your loved one. Use our "search" to read how others went through the same situation than you and what they came across the doctors didn’t inform them in advance.
Feel free to ask a question in a comment. Others have walked the same road and some even managed to survive. Hugs!
Hi Monique,
There are a few words about RF ablation at
However we don’t have any feedback from anybody’s experience.
My mom has been diagnosed with liver mets from cancer of the larynx. this website is an excellent resource. Thank you. I was looking around, however, and I notice that there is no mention of Radiofrequency Ablation as a treatment option. Has anyone else tried this and what type of success ( long and short term) have you had? Thanks in advance.